Nash, Timothy

Name Street Town State From To
Nash, Timothy   New Haven Connecticut 1640s 1661
Nash, Timothy   Hartford Connecticut 1661 1663
Nash, Timothy   Hadley (founded 1659 in the Connecticut valley) Massachusetts 1663 1699

Patent Date Remarks

Contract for

Timothy Nash, born in 1626 in Leyden, Holland, or in Bedfordshire, England, third son of gunsmith Thomas Nash. He was supposed to be trained as gunsmith but worked as a blacksmith. When settling at Hadley he apparently did both. He was lieutenant in the militia and therefore commonly refferd to as lieutenant Timothy Nash.

In the records of New Haven he first appears on Dec. 3, 1645 "Brother Tomas Nash, for his son's absence at a general trayning, pleaded his necessity of business in fetching home his hay by watter. The court overruled and ordered him to pay his fine."

On the 4 March, 1654, the *freeman's* oath was administered to 29 persons, among whom was Timothy Nash.

His marriage and the births of his two eldest children were recorded in New Haven. The marriage is without date; thus, "Timothy Nash and Rebekah Stone were married by"

April, 23, 1660, he was fined for absence from town meeting.

Record of a vote in Hartford Connecticut of Feb. 11, 1660 where Timothly Nash was accepted as an "inhabitant with us".

Next records comes from Hadleyl, Massachusetts. "June 22 1663, Timothy Nash'es pre possttions to the Towne. That he desires the allotment that was Robert Websters, to be granted to him a freed from all rates and dues belonging to the lands for me past to this present day, excepting the corn on this land.

That the Towne be at the charge to bring up his Iron, tools, and Household stuff at this time now he hath for his removal.

The Towne have granted the pre possissions afore said, excepting only the plow land for this year with the corn on the up land and the said Timothy Nash be resident with his family here as an Inhabitant before winter next.

He represented the Town of Hadley at the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1690, 1691 and 1695.

Timothy died on May 13, 1699, Hadley, Massachusetts.